The gardening season has come to an end in the northern hemisphere. And with the garden wrapping up, it’s a good time to reflect on the gardening season, and start making plans for the next season
I like to set aside a block of time (with a cup of tea ) and flip through the notes in my garden journal, browse the pictures I’ve taken throughout the season, sometimes even wander around the yard.
I take note of what the season was like overall, how new herb and vegetable varieties grew in my garden, and how my favourites grew as well. And I jot down any ideas that come to mind for next season’s garden.
If you’re not quite sure where to start, pop over to my journalling post. About three quarters way down, there’s a list of triggger questions. I go back to this list of questions each year, as they help me remember stuff I didn’t write down. Here’s the link to the post: Keeping A Garden Journal
In the garden, we are still harvesting fresh thyme, sage, parsley and kale, along with cilantro that self seeded late summer. And I still want to dig up some more horseradish root before the ground freezes solid.
I planted the carrots too late for a fall harvest – hoping they will overwinter for a spring harvest. In the meantime, I am lightly harvesting some young carrot tops. You can chop them up and add them to any dish you would use parsley in – I like to sprinkle them them on my soup.
This past year has been very hectic in our household, and I’m looking forward to taking some down time to look back on this past gardening season.
Best wishes for a safe and healthy holiday season
PS In the upcoming months, I will be posting how-tos about once or twice a month, on growing some popular herbs, along with a couple of lesser-known favourites of mine.
If there’s an herb you’d like to learn more about, drop me a note in the comments below.
The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for here

DIY Garden my inspiration, thanks for sharing.. I love it