The ivy in the back has turned into a brilliant display of fall colours. Hues of red and yellow cover the back fence.
We have been blessed with a wonderfully extended warm autumn. And all my herbs enjoyed the outdoor air until mid-October.
As the light levels in the house are nowhere near the quality of outdoor light, I wait as long as possible to bring my herbs indoors.
Not recommended, but it’s my procrastinator personality to wait till the last minute and frantically bring in dozens of potted plants indoors to safety in the dark on a cold night because a frost warning has been issued.
Tender plants safely indoors, a pot of vegetable soup is the perfect comfort food for a howling windy day:-) And having your own herb garden is wonderfully convenient for making soup.
A few sprigs of parsley, a pinch of lovage and sage, a few thyme sprigs and a couple of bay leaves. Voila – flavour!
It’s this kind of convenience, of being able to pick a bit of this and a pinch of that, that makes growing your own herbs so much fun – and economical 🙂
Enjoy your autumn days 🙂
The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for here