Tag Archives: organic seeds


Looking for a gift for your favorite gardener?  Or for yourself :-) 

Check out the AeroGarden Harvest 2.0, a bestseller on Amazon  (paid link) _________________________________________________________________________________________


Tips for Buying Seeds To Get The Most Out Of Your Garden

Before heading to the garden center or online to buy seeds for your garden, take some time to plan your upcoming growing season and be prepared with a list of herb, vegetable and fruit seeds to buy 📝

Some pre-planning of your garden will help with over-buying of seeds that will never get planted.🌿  Those seed packets and their promise of bountiful harvests are ever so seductive – at least to some of us 🙂 Continue reading


The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for free...click here


Seed Savers Exchange Catalog: Great Stories and Heirloom Seeds

I get so excited when the Seed Savers Exchange catalog arrives at my door each year!  Call me crazy, but I read this seed catalog cover to cover!   Continue reading

The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for free...click here
