Tag Archives: container herb garden


Looking for a gift for your favorite gardener?  Or for yourself :-) 

Check out the AeroGarden Harvest 2.0, a bestseller on Amazon  (paid link) _________________________________________________________________________________________

Inspired by ‘What You’ve Got’ Container Herb Gardens



Sometimes the most unexpected herb plants can inspire a container herb garden. Continue reading


The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for free...click here


Why Bring Herbs Indoors For The Winter

indoor-rosemaryDo you have a few tender herbs growing outside in your garden, and the temperature outside is dropping?

You can let winter take its course and plant new herbs in the spring.  Or you can haul them indoors for the winter.

I say, if at all possible, haul them in for the winter!     Continue reading


The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for free...click here
