I took some pictures of herbs sprouting up in my garden early May. Over the next couple of weeks it didn’t seem like much growth happened, and then I was away for a couple of weeks overseas visiting family.
Was I ever surprised when I got home…
My garden was filled with herbs — and weeds!
Lemon Balm that was just poking out through the leaves has now overtaken the garden bed it’s in. At least the weeds had no chance in this garden 🙂
The lemon balm herb is young and fragrant – perfect for lemon balm tea 🙂
Cilantro, which hadn’t germinated yet when I left for my trip, is now over 3 inches high, and perfect for fresh eating. For now, it shares the pot with some young black medick weeds.
Chives have grown from a few scrawny stems to fully grown plants that have started to bloom. I had a pot of chives sitting against the house that has grown faster than those in my garden.
Horseradish that was sprouting young edible peppery leaves before I left, is now in full bloom. The plants are loaded with small white flowers with a pleasing fragrance as I walk near them 🙂
Lovage herb plants are now two feet tall along with a mass of weeds growing just as high behind them on ground that was mostly bare when I left.
Greek Oregano herb shoots that were less than an inch high, are now about a foot high and look like they will start forming blooms soon. Now is a good time to harvest my Greek oregano for drying.
Bronze Fennel – the bronze colour in bronze fennel is very pronounced when the herb starts its growth in the spring. So much that sometimes it’s difficult to see the young sprouts against the soil backdrop.
By the time I got home from my trip the bronze fennel fronds were over three feet high, mostly green with bronze tips.
I loved coming home and being surprised by the thriving herbs in my garden. Even the weeds had their charm briefly.
Note for next time: Add ‘weed the garden’ to the do-while-mom-is-away list.
Happy Gardening 🙂
PS – all these herbs and more are available at Richters Herbs – my favourite place to shop 🙂
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