As I was looking for seed starting supplies, I came across this really cool seed starting kit that included everything you need to get started ☺️
My first thought was, I wish they had an all-inclusive seed-starting setup like this available when I first started planting herb and vegetable seeds indoors to grow my own starter plants.
Especially for my tomatoes and peppers 🍅🌶️
Then I figured I’d share this seed germinating set, the HTG Supply Seed Station with you all. Perhaps some of you are looking for an easy set-up to start some seeds indoors. (As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. If you choose to purchase through my link, I get a small commission. It doesn’t in any way change the price you pay.)
Here’s why the HTG Supply Seed Station caught my eye and why I wanted to share it with you:
🌿 It’s an all-in-one kit that gets you off the ground and sowing seed quickly.
🌿 It’s got everything you need to get started. A grow lamp and lights for the lamp, on a 2′ light stand, heating mat, seed starting tray, plugs (compact growing medium to plant your seeds in), humidity dome with adjustable vents. All you need is some seeds and water to get planting 🙂
🌿I like that the clear dome has vents, and is tall enough to cover the tray when plant markers are inserted. I find the shorter plastic domes that come with most seed starting trays don’t fit very well with standard plant labels.
🌿The light suspended on the plant stand is adjustable so you can lift or lower the light to adjust to the height of your seedlings. Love this feature ❤️
These are the features that made the HTG Supply Seed Station kit stand out for me.
I’d love to hear from you – how your seed starting is going, what seed starting setup you have (I have two large shop lights in the basement over an old table, and a one-tray setup with a heating mat and small light upstairs). And if you bought the HTG Supply Seed Station, how you’re liking it.
Happy Seed Starting 😄
PS – Here are some additional resources if you’d like more information on starting herbs and vegetables from seed:
🌱 Growing Herbs From Seed – 5 Tips For Success Starting Garden Plants From Seed
🌱 Tips For Buying Seeds To Get The Most Out Of Your Garden
The Need To Grow: Watch this inspiring and award winning film for here