The Need To Grow 🌿 Award Winning Documentary…Touched My Heart ❤️

Of the wide variety of thyme herbs available, there is a selection of low growing ground cover thymes that can withstand foot traffic, making them a delightful landscaping option.
Plant these thymes between flagstones, along walkways and anywhere you want to grow a low ground cover. Then enjoy the warm spicy scents these thymes release when brushed against or stepped on.
Groundcover thymes are also a great herb to grow in containers and hanging baskets, softly spilling over the sides of the container as they grow. Continue reading
Join thousands of healthy food lovers 😊 and 25 experts for the 2020 Food Revolution Summit.
Starts April 25 for 9 days!
Download your FREE Food and Climate handbook, PLUS get the latest insights from trustworthy experts in the Food Revolution Summit! Download your handbook here: Food and Climate Handbook
Download your FREE Smart Immunity handbook from Food Revolution Network 💚 PLUS get the latest insights from trustworthy experts in the Food Revolution Summit! Download your handbook here: Smart Immunity Handbook
Even if you don’t have time to attend, you can get the Empowerment Package and download the interviews to listen on your phone or in the car later. It’s a worthwhile investment for your health library. And you can get it for a special price right after you register.
Want the interviews to listen to later? Simply download one of the free handbooks above and register for the summit. From the signup page, you have an option to purchase the empowerment package.
That’s what I did 😃
Here’s the links again:
Food and Climate Handbook
Smart Immunity Handbook
Enjoy the summit 🙂
I was talking with my friend Lynn last week. And she has a field of dandelions ☺️ that she was ready to mow down😨 When she she asked if they were good for anything, I quickly answered “Yes!”
So glad she asked☺️ Lynn runs the popular low-carb blog TravelingLowCarb.com and just so happens dandelion greens are nutritious and low-carb.
In fact, you can eat the entire dandelion plant. Dandelions are native to Eurasia, and were brought over by early settlers who grew them in their gardens as food and herbal.
For all my friends who have dandelions in your gardens (dandelions coming soon to my garden), here’s a few suggestions of what you can do with this popular ‘weed’: Continue reading
As I was looking for seed starting supplies, I came across this really cool seed starting kit that included everything you need to get started ☺️
My first thought was, I wish they had an all-inclusive seed-starting setup like this available when I first started planting herb and vegetable seeds indoors to grow my own starter plants.
Especially for my tomatoes and peppers 🍅🌶️ Continue reading
Rosemary and beans are a great combination. And a perfect use for the tender cuttings of an indoor rosemary plant is a rosemary and bean salad.
This super easy bean salad is my favourite use for the rosemary trimmings 😊 Continue reading
If you have brought herbs and actually any other plants indoors to overwinter, by now you may have noticed weak spindly growth at the ends of the plant stems. My rosemary herb plants keep sprouting these weak leggy shoots.🌿
Also, you may find weaker leggy growth developing on an herb plant that you’ve brought home from a garden center or green grocer. Continue reading
Throw away your metal bristle barbecue brushes. Don’t take the chance, it’s not worth it!
My daughter had to undergo emergency surgery a few months ago because a barbecue bristle pierced right through her esophagus.
And I am sharing with you what happened to my daughter because I don’t want it to happen to anyone else! Continue reading
When I brought in a bunch of garlic chives from the garden to make Garlic Chives with Chili Garlic Sauce, my daughter asked me: What’s the difference between chives and garlic chives?
At the moment, my answer to her was that chives are round and hollow and taste of mild onion, whereas garlic chives are flat and taste of mild garlic.
Later I thought I’d elaborate a bit on the differences, as well as similarities between the two plants. And added my cooking notes for these mildly flavoured alliums 🍴 Continue reading
When garlic chives are plentiful in the garden, I make this super simple and delicious quick stir-fry side dish with them.
Here’s how to make garlic chives with chili garlic sauce. Enjoy 🙂 Continue reading