As I was out inspecting my gardens, I noticed how many herbs and vegetables were in full bloom, as many of my flower pots were looking tired.
I took my time, enjoying the flowers and snapping some pictures as a reference for future garden planning. Which I’m happy to share with you 🙂
Hope you enjoy this mix of blooming flowers, herbs, and vegetables from my garden 🙂
I was first struck by the mass of blooms on my Cherry Roma tomato plant as I walked out onto the deck.
The tomato plant was covered with perky little yellow flowers — stunning! With promises of lots of little tomatoes coming soon 🙂
Then my eye caught the planter full of colourful geraniums close by – Americana® White Splash geraniums.
The moment I spotted these geraniums hiding under the display benches at the garden centre in the spring, I knew they were coming home with me!
I placed the White Splash geraniums in a pot, positioned on the deck so that I could see them every day when I looked out onto the gardens.
In the little garden along the deck, I noticed a Purple Cone Flower in bloom.
Most of the purple coneflowers in my garden were fading away – well past their prime. To my delight, this little coneflower in the middle of the garden was in full bloom.
Over at the side of the house, I was watching the activity around the Greek Oregano in fascination. The bees love these poofy heads of pale purple blooms 💜💜💜
I swear the bees try to chase me away whenever I lean over to get a closer look 🐝
The Bronze Fennel still had a few flowers – most of the umbels had already formed green seeds.
I pinch off the tiny flowers for salads – they add a delicious hit of sweet licorice flavour 🙂
On the deck step, a planter with feverfew (a volunteer plant from last year), had just started to bloom. Cheery 🙂
And the Thai Basil sent out a purple flower spike, which will be in full bloom in the next couple of days.
I rather like the look of the dark purple spike against the basil’s bright green leaves.
The tall green flower spikes of Pigweed add visual interest to my garden.
Weed? Only if you don’t know what to do with this North American native in the amaranth family.
My neighbour taught me the wonders of pigweed. She would gather the leaves and cook them as a green. And now, so do I. More delicious than spinach in my opinion 🙂
I grew cucumbers vertically in a planter this year (Parade variety), and the cucumber plants quickly climbed and covered the support. Then burst into bloom with dozens of pretty yellow flowers.
A beautiful display, with a promise of cucumbers in the near future 🙂
Late last year, I saw a purply blue Rose of Sharon as I was running into Home Depot — literally I turned around, went back outside and grabbed one!
Not knowing where I wanted to plant this Blue Chiffon Rose of Sharon, I planted it in the ground in its pot, pot so I can easily move it. Love these flowers!
As I wandered down the side to the front of the house, I was met with a cute little display of savory in bloom.
The little purple blossoms looked like a sea of purple stars, amidst the green savory plants.
The planter nearby had a small coriander plant in bloom.
It has been a hot summer, and the coriander I grew – mostly for cilantro leaves – had bloomed and formed seed a long time ago. So I really enjoyed seeing this late-bloomer 🙂
In the spring, I planted a pot with marigolds and curly parsley. It looked amazing for a while, then something (slugs I’m betting) ate the marigold leaves.
So, I was thrilled to see the marigolds bouncing back with their cheery blooms.
I planted Painted Lady Runner Bean as an ornamental in my front because of its gorgeous two-tone flowers.
The bean plant climbed up the obelisk quickly, and is covered with blossoms.
Anytime I can use a plant as both decorative and a food source – makes me happy 🙂
Hope you enjoyed this mix of blooming flowers, herbs, and vegetables from my garden. And that it inspires you get outdoors and enjoy the flowers in your garden 🌼
Would love to hear what’s blooming in your garden 🙂
Happy Gardening 🙂
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