Quick and easy herb and wine marinade for salmon 🙂
My son was home from school for the weekend. Knowing he was tired of residence food, he got to choose what’s for dinner.
So, he decided to go to Costco with my husband. And they came home with a filleted salmon.
I’m not a big fan of salmon, but it was my son’s choice that night.
With the salmon came a further request from my son.. ‘I want the wine and herb marinade, not the mayonnaise one, and with rosemary in it’.
OK — wine and rosemary, it is.
These are the times when I’m really happy I bring my herbs indoors when the weather gets cold 🙂
I cut three sprigs of rosemary off one of my rosemary plants, and chopped it up with a couple of garlic cloves and a small shallot.
I kept the rosemary stems to throw on the grill for extra flavour, as my son convinced my husband to grill the salmon — yup, outdoors in freezing temperatures!
I mixed approximately equal parts of olive oil and white wine — actually some white and some rose wine this time as there was only a splash of white left in the open bottle.
This is a very forgiving marinade 🙂
I added a pinch of sugar (optional). If you are using a sweeter wine or prefer a more tart marinade, omit the sugar. Adjust the amount sugar to your taste.
And a handful of dried basil. Dried basil gives the marinade a different character than fresh.
And it’s the combination of white wine and dried basil that gives this marinade the flavour profile my kids like.
I put the marinade and the salmon into a big ziploc bag, and swooshed it around to distribute the marinade every so often.
I let the salmon sit in the marinade for about half hour before cooking.
My husband grilled the salmon, but usually I bake it in the oven at 425 – 450° F (200 – 230° C) for approx 10 – 20 min. I start checking the fish for doneness after 10 minutes.
You can adjust the quantity and type of herbs to your family’s taste.
It’s a very easy and flexible marinade.
If you try it, let me know how your family liked it.
What’s your favourite herb marinade? Please leave your comment below.
Enjoy 🙂
PS – it’s never too late to pick up a rosemary herb plant to grow near your kitchen 🙂
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