This blog is where I’ll share my herb gardening adventures and misadventures. What herbs I grow – way too many as far as my family is concerned, how I start herbs from seed and what herbs I buy only as plants from cuttings. Also how I bring herbs indoors for the winter, and then back out in the spring – it’s easier than you think 🙂 What to do with all this herbalicious goodness when it starts taking over your garden, and anything else these amazing plants inspire me to write.
Hi, I’m Barb, and I’ve been an avid herb gardener for about 30 years – yikes! Time flies when you’re having fun!
While attending university, I went to an afternoon seminar on growing herbs with a friend – I should have been solving math equations. Sometimes, procrastination is a wonderful thing 🙂
I was introduced to the coolest herbs – a fuzzy mint that is reminiscent of apple ‘apple mint’, a green leafy herb that tastes like cucumber ‘salad burnet’. I was hooked.
I started growing a couple of pots of herbs in my small apartment. These herbs did not thrive by any stretch of the imagination. Yet, I was thrilld each time I snipped a few fresh chives to add to soup or eggs.
Since that time, I have been growing herbs indoors and outdoos every chance I get. Truth be told, I’ve unintentionally killed many herb plants too 🙁
My herbs have been attacked by bugs, tumbled off ledges, dried out from the summer heat, wilted from being neglected due to a busy family schedule, overwatered until their roots smelled rotten, pulled out of the ground by curious children, kissed by unexpected frost…And many survived!
Herb gardening has been a lot of fun. I have grown a wide assortment of herbs, many you’d never find in a supermarket. I continuously grow new herb varieties and am constantly learning how to grow herbs more successfully, and ways to use the herbs I grow.
I hope you enjoy this blog, and grow a new herb or two. Have fun with it!
Happy Gardening 🙂
All material provided on this site is intended for informational purposes only. It should not be used to replace professional medical advice.
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